Thursday, November 13, 2008


Important questions from MST & Final Examination point of Vew

1.Diffefentiate between Logic & logic Programming ?
2.what is the need for quantifiers?
3.What do you mean by first order logic?
4What are Horn Clauses?
5Discuss the advantages of Prolog & differentiate between Syntax & Semantics?
6.What is Structural Induction ?
7.How do we represent Structured data in prolog?
8.Explain the concept of SLD trees?
9.What is Resolution? What role does it play in propositional logic?
10.Explain the concept of recursion in prolog?
11.Discuss the interpretation of nondeclarative features of prolog ?
12.What are normal forms. Explain in detail?
13.Discuss the logical limitation of prolog?
14. Write a program in prolog to compute Fibonacci term using recursion in prolog.
15.What is system predicate CUT?Discuss the operational behavior & important uses of CUT?
16.Explain Well formed formula in detail ?
17Discuss the concept of fail predicate in prolog with help of a example?
18Explain the non declarative features of prolog

1 comment:

Vandana said...

Can u please give the answers to these questions!!!!!!!